Word Vomit
What is this?
I believe that everyone has suffered a case of word vomit. Sometimes words bubble up and out of you and you absolutely need to share it. So here it is. Scraps of passing fancies, drifting thoughts, quiet contemplations, and enthusiastic rants. But mostly, this is a place for fiction. I've always been a lover of words and I've had a passion for writing almost as soon as I've had a passion for reading. And this is a place for me to vomit up all of the words swirling around in my head into (hopefully) organized sentences to form a story. For what are we as humans but hundreds of words wrapped up in the stories that fill our own lives? So I invite you along for the ride; to share in some of my stories. I don't even know what I'm going to write exactly (that's the beauty of words, as they can be so wonderfully frustratingly random), so I'll be just as surprised as you. It's a wonderful experiment into the great unknown, for here there be monsters! So strap in, hold onto your hats and here we go!

Who am I?
I am a (not so) recent college grad with too many ideas of the future and not enough concrete plans to actually follow through with anything. Instead of going to grad school or getting a job or jet setting off to some wide open adventure, I've decided to share some of the words that get stockpiled up in my head. 'Cause what better thing is there to do as a young millennial in the new world then to start a blog? (And apparently running away to a cave to write poetry by the sea is not a "viable career option" according to my mother). Feel free to read, criticize, comment, laugh, cry, or all of those together. I'm doing this to prove to myself that I can still write, and to alleviate some of my fears of having finally gone insane. Have fun and enjoy!