In the beginning there was darkness. And from the darkness of night came the first light of day. They called him Morningstar, the Light-Bringer, and he stood among the likes of celestial beings. But above all others, he was the most beloved. He was the Roaring Lion among the flock of the shepherd.
But like anything that is placed on the highest pedestal, he Fell.
It began with the humans. Disgusting creatures really. Nothing but scraps of bone and flesh sewn together with something the Father liked to call a soul. Lacking one himself, the Son of the Morning could never understand why the Father loved them so. They were weak, they were simple, and they were clearly inferior to himself and his brethren. There would be no place in heaven or on earth where he would kneel before these beings, where he would subjugate himself to men of dust and ashes when he was made of stars and sky.
But there was nothing that would stand between the Father and his new favorite sons and daughters. And so the Light-Bringer made a choice. A choice that would split the mighty hosts and bring heaven stumbling to its knees.
"I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit on the mount of assembly on the heights of Zaphon; I will ascend to the tops of the clouds, I will make myself like the Most High."
And so the Roaring Lion sounded his charge and led his army into battle. He was powerful, commanding a third of the host of heaven fierce in their determination to rage against the Father. He was Apollyon, destroyer, and he was infinitely beautiful in his fury.
But for every angel that stood with him, there were another two that stayed loyal to the Father. And Michael, the Defender of Peace and Archangel of the Lord, came and cast the Son of the Morning down into the abyss. And with him fell those that were most loyal to him. Hundreds of angels scattered from Heaven and the Father, cursed for believing they were something more than what they were created for.
Now the Morningstar crawls among darkness and the very humans that he despises, feasting upon their fear and laughing in their shadows. He takes his revenge, sweet and sharp as the apple they consumed. Collecting souls in a way to somehow make up for the one that he lacks. He has new names now, Prince of Darkness and δημιουργόν. He is Moloch and serpent, чёрт and Devil.
All of them remind him of what he once was and what he will never be again.
I wasn't really sure how this started or where this was going or how to end it, so I'll leave it as it is for the time being. The quote comes from Isaiah 14:12.
:) Kathryn