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Updated: Nov 2, 2019

The month of November is National Novel Writing Month, and it's a challenge for any aspiring author out in the world to get a 50,000 word novel written in the span of 30 days.

A daunting challenge if there ever was one.

Today is November first, and officially I'm off to a great start. I've got a title, I've got characters and an outline, I've even got 1,300 words started on a Google doc. I'm doing great. Check back in with me in a month and you'll probably find the enthusiasm and progress leaves much to be desired.

NaNoWriMo began in 1999 as a writing challenge to motivate authors to finish a novel in 30 days. It's now stretched beyond that in the last 20 years into a non-profit organization promoting and supporting creative writing and education. It's a wonderful project that encompasses the entire globe with a shared passion for the written word. Many now famous novels were written as initial rough drafts during this month of November. Water for Elephants, Cinder, Fangirl, and countless others had their start with NaNoWriMo. There's no prize except the satisfaction of finally completing that novel that you've been putting off for ages (and a pretty neat looking badge of honor on your account online).

And I've finally decided to try it out this year.

It's been clearly evident that I can't seem to finish anything that I start. I've got great beginnings, middles, and endings, but I always get stuck trying to string them altogether into something readable. NaNoWriMo is going to help me this year. Or at least I hope it will.

During this month of November, I'll share excerpts here (of a novel that I will hopefully actually finish) and see if I can get to 50,000 words. (And considering my last challenge for Halloween was a complete bust, I really need to redeem myself on this one.)

It won't be easy.

But it will be fun.

Wish me luck and stay tuned for updates!


:) Kathryn


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