When you fall in love with an angel
life is filled with starlight
There are golden words spun from sunshine and moonbeams
Breathtaking views of impossible places
seen through eyes that have witnessed the birth of the world
Your thirst for knowledge is quenched in
the waters of an angel's mind
But when you fight
There is lightening and thunder
Storms that seem to shake the earth down to your bones
You see fire in the sky
that flashes across white feathers and golden halos
And suddenly falling in love with an angel
is one divinity you no longer need
When you fall in love with a demon
life is filled with a fire that warms you
through your skin and your hair and your toes
Dangerous and thrilling promises that are whispered and carved
into mountainsides as loving reminders
of their devotion
Violin strings and thrumming hums
of music composed just for you
There are rubies and diamonds and sapphires pried from the earth
all to glitter against your skin
But when you fight
There is a crushing silence
Darkness with no light and light with no darkness
Everything is too dark and too bright and too quiet
save for a pair of eyes that haunt your shadows
and a barren emptiness inside you
And suddenly falling in love with a demon
is one indulgence you no longer need
When you fall in love with a human
after experiencing cosmic beauties and earthly riches
you find the human dull
Dull without celestial or hellish passion
But there is something else
Something different
Little things
small sweets on your pillow
flowers that open up and greet you at the end of the day
soft blankets and sweaters throughout the seasons
Laughter and tears and shaky kisses
under the sun and the moon and the stars
Humans are weak
They are clumsy
They are mortal
And when you fight
There is anger and storms and silence
All swirling up to surround you
But they return with steam rising
from two mugs held
by apologetic hands and awkward smiles
And words to break the silence and calm the storms
Little by little the human remains in your heart
When feathers wilt and rubies crumble to dust
There is fire and water and wind and sky
in the laugh and the eyes and the dimples
of your human
And suddenly falling in love with a human
is exactly the existence that you need
Inspired by "On Falling in Love with an Angel" -m.m.c (another post I found on Pinterest but I think actually originated on Tumblr).
:) Kathryn